"I now understand that my constant striving for perfection is a subconscious attempt to make the world a better place. And I'm beginning to learn how to embrace imperfection as a new path to growth."

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How does the Enneagram compare to MBTI or Big 5?

The Enneagram, MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), and the Big Five (Five-Factor Model) are popular personality typing systems with different focuses. The Enneagram centers on nine core types defined by motivations and fears, emphasizing internal processes and transformation. It's the only system that offers a dynamic approach, helping individuals become the best versions of themselves, improve performance, and foster personal growth. MBTI categorizes individuals into 16 types based on preferences in four dichotomies (e.g., Introversion vs. Extraversion). It's often used in career counseling and organizations. The Big Five measures traits on a continuum (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism) and is widely used in psychological research. Each system has strengths, and the best choice depends on context and desired outcomes. 

What is the difference between Enneagram and MBTI?

The Enneagram and MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) are both personality typing systems but differ in focus and methodology. The Enneagram focuses on core motivations, fears, and growth paths, offering a dynamic model for personal development and answering how to become the best version of ourselves. It emphasizes improved performance and personal growth. MBTI categorizes individuals into 16 types based on cognitive functions and preferences. While both systems provide valuable insights, the Enneagram is often considered deeper in addressing underlying emotional and psychological patterns.

Enneagram vs. MBTI vs. 

Big5 vs. DISC (FAQ)

The Enneagram and the Big 5 (or Five-Factor Model) are both personality frameworks but differ significantly. The Enneagram categorizes people into nine personality types, focusing on core motivations, fears, and behaviors, while encouraging personal growth and self-awareness. The Enneagram offers a dynamic approach to improving performance and helping individuals become the best versions of themselves, which distinguishes it from more static, descriptive models like the Big 5.  In contrast, the Big 5 describes personality using five broad dimensions: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism, focusing more on measurable traits rather than intrinsic motivations.

What is the difference between Enneagram and DISC?

The Enneagram and DISC are both personality typing systems but differ in focus and application. The Enneagram categorizes people into nine types, emphasizing core motivations, fears, and personal growth, and is unique in its dynamic approach to helping individuals improve performance and achieve personal transformation. DISC, on the other hand, focuses on observable behaviors, categorizing individuals into four traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. While the Enneagram is often used for deep psychological and spiritual insights, DISC is commonly applied in professional settings for improving teamwork and communication and lacks the Enneagram's dynamic aspect.

Certified by Industry Experts

Enneagram Assessments, Course and Coaching Programs have been developed with certifications from:

How does the Enneagram compare to Big 5?

Certified by Industry Experts

Enneagram Assessments, Course and Coaching Programs have been developed with certifications from:

"I now understand that my constant striving for perfection is a subconscious attempt to make the world a better place. And I'm beginning to learn how to embrace imperfection as a new path to growth."

Your Journey Starts Here:

Enneagram vs. MBTI vs. Big5 vs. Disc FAQ 

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Enneagram vs. MBTI vs. Big5 vs. Disc Assessments but Never Dared to Ask

  • Introduction to the Enneagram (FAQ)
  • Enneagram Types (FAQ)
  • Enneagram Wings and MBTI (FAQ)
  • Understanding the Enneagram System (FAQ)
  • Enneagram Coaching  (FAQ)
  • Enneagram and AI (FAQ)
  • Enneagram Test (FAQ)
  • Enneagram vs. MBTI vs. Big 5 vs. DISC (FAQ)
  • Enneagram and Psychology (FAQ)
  • Enneagram and Purpose Intelligenceâ„¢ (FAQ)
  • Enneagram and Communication Skills (FAQ)
  • Enneagram and Personal Growth (FAQ)
  • Enneagram in the Workplace (FAQ)
  • Enneagram and Spirituality (FAQ)
  • Enneagram and Romantic Relationships (FAQ)

Victor B. 

Enneagram Matrix


Victor B. Enneagram Matrix: 1w2*137*sp-sx-so

Pi Purpose Intelligence develops capacity to find and experience your 'Why' via Enneagram and mindfulness for purposeful living.
ART multi-sensory method using AI animations, hypnotic audio, text and music for rapid subconscious reframing and personal transformation
RTT is a clinical hypnotherapy training and certification program, developed by Marisa Peer
IEA | The International Enneagram Association envisions a world in which the Enneagram is widely understood and constructively used.